I was watching my favorite newsman, Brian Williams (sorry, Don Briand) the other night and NBC Nightly News did a piece on a recent study conducted by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Harvard School  of Public Health. The study revealed a lot of interesting facts. You can check out the entire article here. Basically, those involved in the research say eating a handful of nuts every day may help you live longer and lose weight.  What's your favorite kind of nut?  I'm a fan of cashews and macadamia nuts. The only seasoning I like is salt.  I don't care for flavored nuts like wasabi, chocolate etc.  I keep a can of nuts in my car and munch on them on my drive home from work.  It keeps me from noshing too much before dinner. Oh, and what I also found very interesting was that the study was funded by The National Institutes of Health and the International Tree Council Nutrition Research & Education Foundation. The report stated that the Council had no say in how the study was done or how its results were eventually reported.  What are your thoughts?  Do you think the study was a bit biased?

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