Cyclists and walkers/runners alike would like to keep things on the historic bridge status quo, but is that possible?

Fixing the old bridge, which opened back in 1935, isn't the only thing on the table. According to Seacoast Online, The DOT is seeking alternatives to rehabilitating the General Sullivan Bridge. In the report, DOT officials have estimated repairs to be much more costly than initially anticipated.

The bridge was built and used to carry vehicular traffic over Little Bay but now is only safe to carry pedestrian and bicycle traffic. It's also a nostalgia trip for those of us who remember the General Sullivan Bridge as the only way over Little Bay. On one of the first warm days this year, I made sure to get this shot.

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Hadn't been on this bridge since...early 80's? Glad they kept it around #cycling #feltbicycles

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At an informational meeting Wednesday in Dover, many alternatives were presented. One of which was to rehab the existing bridge, but others feel the bridge is too far beyond repair at this point. Rep. David Waters of Dover said “It’s become absolutely clear that we can’t spend taxpayer dollars on rehab. It’s gone too far to be rehabilitated.” He continued by saying the recent 10-year highway plan signed into law expressly forbids the use of state money to rehab the General Sullivan Bridge.

For more updates on this project, go to



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