If you HAVE to be on the roads today, my best advice is to go slow and make sure you have enough gas in your vehicle. 

I stopped at the gas station Monday night to top off my tank. If you plan on venturing out on the roads at all today, I suggest you make sure your gas tank is full.

I got up two hours earlier than I normally roll out of bed. I knew I was going to have a somewhat dicey commute into the station. The wind was howling and blowing snow all around. The roads themselves were snow covered, but also very icy and slippery.

Aside from the 7 or 8 plows I saw on the roads, I only counted 2, yes 2 other vehicles that were out at '0-dark-thirty' with me.

snowy ride
Credit Karen Kiley

Keep it tuned to WOKQ and make sure you check our website and Facebook page for the most up-to-date information on the #Blizzardof2015. Also, be sure to follow me on Twitter! I'll have the latest on the roadways and other breaking news regarding #Snowmageddon2015!

Stay Safe.


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