Should The Government Be Able to Track Your Cell Phone?
Should The Government Be Able to Track Your Cell Phone?
Should The Government Be Able to Track Your Cell Phone?
When I am bored and have nothing to do, I browse cool apps for my phone. A while back I downloaded a free cell phone tracker to see how well it worked. As you can imagine it didn't work so well. But a new law in the NH Statehouse would allow law enforcement to be able to track you for real.
Don't Dew It!!!
Don't Dew It!!!
Don't Dew It!!!
Word broke over the weekend that Mountain Dew was experimenting with bizarre new flavors of the soda. The buzz everyone is about today is the Doritos flavored version that they are testing on college campuses. But did you know that they are tasting other strange flavor combinations, and would you be tempted to try them?