Education Requirements for Kids Under 16 in Massachusetts and New Hampshire
We are very fortunate to live in New England, with some of the best hospitals and schools in the country.
There are pros and cons to every location, but in New Hampshire and Massachusetts specifically, we enjoy the mountains, lakes, ocean, and everything in-between.
There are so many opportunities for our children to grow up well-rounded and curious individuals, but there is one law which mandates what our kids must do.
Our legislators make sure our children are being educated by compulsory education laws implemented in each state. States vary, but not by much.
In New Hampshire, the state law is,
children in New Hampshire between the ages of six and 16 are required to be enrolled in school. There are some limited instances where compulsory education laws may not apply.
Homeschooling can be part of the child's education as long as curriculum mandates are followed.
Massachusetts has a similar compulsory education law, which,
requires children age seven and older to attend school, unless they are deemed mentally or physically unable to attend or have immediate needs at home.
Parents who fail to comply may be fined or charged with a misdemeanor, depending on the state. Most states have laws regarding 16 year-olds leaving school, but all circumstances are different.
Ultimately, the child's unique circumstances in life can make them exempt, but for the most part, state education laws are in place to foster a love of learning both inside and outside the classroom.
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