I had the pleasure of meeting with Eric Ankerund and his wife Lori at the inaugural Heartfelt Dreams Foundation’s first-ever charity golf event on August 2.  Their story and their cause really touched my heart; no pun intended.  The Charity Golf Classic was a scramble-style 18-hole golf tournament held at the Overlook Golf Club in Hollis, New Hampshire, and was a great success.  I met so many wonderful people at the event and was deeply moved by Lori’s story.


Heartfelt Dreams Foundation


The Heartfelt Dreams Foundation was the brainchild of Eric Ankerund and his wife Lori.  Lori was born with a congenital heart defect back in 1958.  At the time, all surgery to correct any heart defects in children was rare but Lori went through a series of operations that were successful.  Thankfully, although having many follow-up surgeries Lori is the happy mother of two adult children and is continuing to live her best life.  She hopes that her story and her journey will give hope to parents of young children born with a congenital heart defect.


So much good working being done by the Foundation


The foundation does so much for so many.  In addition to providing education, financial assistance, and emotional support, and counseling for families, they offer a nursing scholarship!  We need more nurses!  In addition to these great programs, they offer something called “Quilt to Care” which enables quilters to donate quilts to babies and adults who have congenital heart defects.  Lori is an avid quilter and artist and feels that each quilter puts a piece of themselves in the work and helps give visual, physical, and spiritual warmth to others.  It was such a wonderful day spent with such caring people.  Check out their website heartfeltdreamsfoundation.org for more information on upcoming events and how you can help.

Speaking of sports...check out these celebrities that love the Patriots just as much as you

20 Celebrities Who Love the New England Patriots As Much As You

Patriots Nation is strong with or without Tom Brady and these celebrities count themselves among the those who love New England's football team.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.


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