This Mainer tried to save a few bucks with an idea for a new kind of wiper blade.

My dad was infamous for fixing things or making something so that he wouldn't have to go and buy the actual item.

I think he truly believed that he didn't need that fancy contraption at the hardware store (rake) when he could make his own.


I can make my own _________!

If only I had a picture of the rake my dad made. He put nails in a 2x4 and attached a pole to it. It didn't work. He wanted to grate the quarter-mile-long dirt driveway, so he had his 4 kids (me included) sit on an old pallet and he drove it up and down the driveway with us hanging on for dear life. It didn't work.

And this Mainer wanted to wipe away the rain, so he made his own windshield wiper. It didn't work.

This is not a joke. A Mainer showed up to replace this windshield wiper.

sponge wiper blade
Derek Farrington Yarmouth VIP

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Derek Farrington at the Yarmouth, Maine VIP Tires & Service took a picture of this homemade windshield wiper because he knew no one would believe him if he tried to describe what he saw.

This happened back in November 2024. VIP posted this picture with the advice,

Points for creativity, but we recommend new wipers instead! Turn to VIP for a quick fix!

Eventually, he did turn to VIP for a quick fix. I saw this and fondly remembered all the failed attempts at homemade inventions my dad tried. He would have loved this attempt.


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