Three mischievous raccoons found themselves in quite a predicament recently.

The small trash pandas had worked their way into a dumpster outside a Brunswick, Maine, business but couldn't find a way to get out, according to a Facebook post from the Brunswick Police Department.

Thankfully, Officers Chandler Wyman and Chris Wolongevicz of the Brunswick Police Department were up for the challenge.

When the call came in about the trapped trespassers, the officers didn’t hesitate. Armed with a sense of duty and a dash of humor, they dove right into the heart of the situation... and the dumpster.

The Facebook post noted humorously that the "three little bandits" were able to be freed with the officers' help. Those raccoons must have been wondering how a simple snack search could go sideways so fast. says raccoons are usually "larger than a house cat, but smaller than most domestic dogs." It notes they can be about 23 to 28 inches and weigh between 12 and 36 pounds.

Imagine spotting one of them in your trash!

Ultimately, this heartwarming incident with a happy ending serves as a reminder of the unexpected adventures that come with police work, and the dedication of officers to serve and protect no matter how small the citizens in need may be.

Thanks to Officers Wyman and Wolongevicz for their quick thinking and fearless “dive” into the rescue operation, making sure these adorable bandits lived to see another day.

25 Endangered Animals in Maine

Here is a list of the 25 animals that are classified as endangered in Maine. These, along with species that are "threatened" in Maine can be found on the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website.

20 of the Scariest Maine Animals to be Watching you from the Outside

A local raccoon became quite the celebrity the other day when he peaked into a home in Cutler, Maine.

The image was more cute and comedic than anything. However, it did inspire this list of the 20 scariest animals a Mainer would not want to see peaking into their house.

Warning, this list is quite frightening.

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