Skier Dies on Wildcat Mountain
( Gorham, N.H. ) - A skier from North Conway died in a crash at the Wildcat Ski Area this morning.
34 year old Samuel Moore lost control while skiing in an area known as the 5 corners and fell over a 60 foot drop. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Maine State Police say four people have been killed in a head on crash just north of Caribou this morning. A car and a suv collided head on along route 161. One person survived the crash and has been taken to Cary Medical Center in Caribou.
A woman from Lyman, N.H. who’s been accused of jumping out a second-story window last summer while carrying her 4-month-old twins, killing her son and severely injuring her daughter, has entered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. 29-year-old Patina Welch told investigators there were men with guns in her house trying to kill her babies and she was trying to save them. A psychiatrist testified last month that Welch was psychotic on the day she jumped.
A Pelham man has been accused of threatening to shoot his neighbors if they didn't turn down their tv. Adam Myjer armed himself with a shotgun and tried to kick down his neighbors' door. When they answered, police said he threatened to shoot someone in the face if the tv wasn't turned down. He’s being held on $10,000 cash bail.
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