WATCH: Buddy the Elf Pillow Fights in Portsmouth, NH is Pure JoyWATCH: Buddy the Elf Pillow Fights in Portsmouth, NH is Pure JoyDo you know what elves do for fun? Pillow fights! And there was a rousing game in Portsmouth recently.Ginny RogersGinny Rogers
Stay In A Hobbit-Themed House At This Maine CampgroundStay In A Hobbit-Themed House At This Maine CampgroundFrodo and Bilbo would be jealousCooper FoxCooper Fox
The Best Place In New Hampshire To Shop For Everything ChristmasThe Best Place In New Hampshire To Shop For Everything ChristmasWith 16,000 feet, two stories, and thirty rooms full of would make Santa envious.Bill FoxBill Fox
Dogs & Cats with Human Hands Dressed as Christmas Elves [VIDEO]Dogs & Cats with Human Hands Dressed as Christmas Elves [VIDEO]This lands firmly in the uncanny valley between cute and creepy, but I'm fully on board either way. Dogs and cats with human hands, dressed as elves, trying to wrap toys? You bet I'll watch that.RoyRoy