Can You Guess How Big This Huge Northern Pike Caught in Maine is?Can You Guess How Big This Huge Northern Pike Caught in Maine is?Now that's a big boy!KiraKira
Enormous River Monster of a Fish Caught in Maine is a Wild SightEnormous River Monster of a Fish Caught in Maine is a Wild SightAbout a four-foot fish with razor sharp teeth was caught in Maine, and it looks like a river monster. LoganLogan
Did You Know Vladimir Putin Once Caught a Fish in Maine?Did You Know Vladimir Putin Once Caught a Fish in Maine?Back in 2007, Putin visited President George Bush (43). The other President Bush (41) and his wife Barbara helped host, and the group went fishing.The CaptainThe Captain
This Weekend, Mainers Can Go Fishing “License Free”This Weekend, Mainers Can Go Fishing “License Free”This weekend, anyone can enjoy a day out fishing in Maine. ChantelChantel
27 Responses That Prove Your Fishing Spot is Safe With Mainers27 Responses That Prove Your Fishing Spot is Safe With MainersIt is safe to say that Mainers are some of the most secretive individuals when it comes to fishing.ChantelChantel
NH Fish and Game Trout Ponds Open - List of Trout Stocked PondsNH Fish and Game Trout Ponds Open - List of Trout Stocked PondsHere's where to fish for trout in New Hampshire. LoganLogan
Watch Unbelievable Go Pro Footage of Seabrook, NH, Woman Reeling in a Monster of a TunaWatch Unbelievable Go Pro Footage of Seabrook, NH, Woman Reeling in a Monster of a TunaI had to pick my jaw up off the floor after watching this!KiraKira
After an Epic Fish Fight Seabrook, New Hampshire, Woman Reels in a 643 Pound BluefinAfter an Epic Fish Fight Seabrook, New Hampshire, Woman Reels in a 643 Pound BluefinUnREEL. Do you see what I did there? KiraKira
Deerfield, New Hampshire, Woman, Reels in a Monster of a Tuna over Labor Day WeekendDeerfield, New Hampshire, Woman, Reels in a Monster of a Tuna over Labor Day WeekendShe is what the kids would call "a baddie". KiraKira
Free Fishing Trip For Veterans and Active Duty Service Members in Hampton, NHFree Fishing Trip For Veterans and Active Duty Service Members in Hampton, NHDo you know anyone who might be interested?KiraKira
Gloucester Teens Reel in a Whale of a 10-Foot TunaGloucester Teens Reel in a Whale of a 10-Foot TunaWell, three fishermen from Gloucester, MA have a very legitimate fishing tale to tell!Jess TylerJess Tyler
Is This a Shark or Whale at the Mouth of the Damariscotta River?Is This a Shark or Whale at the Mouth of the Damariscotta River?On a fishing trip for mackeral, this awesome picture was taken.Lori VoornasLori Voornas
Rent This Private Island In Downeast Maine For Cheaper Than You’d ThinkRent This Private Island In Downeast Maine For Cheaper Than You’d ThinkIf you need a vacation and want to stay away from people, Spruce Island in downeast Maine may be for you. And it's not as expensive as you'd think.JoeyJoey
Three Maine Teens Catch a 700 lb. Bluefin TunaThree Maine Teens Catch a 700 lb. Bluefin Tuna “You're going to need a bigger boat.”KiraKira
A Man Got Up Close and Personal With This Snake While Fishing In MaineA Man Got Up Close and Personal With This Snake While Fishing In MaineWhile fishing in Greenwood, Maine, a man happens to notice a rather long and plump snake on a rock nearby. Take a look. JoeyJoey
You Can Go Ice Fishing in Maine for Free This WeekendYou Can Go Ice Fishing in Maine for Free This WeekendThis weekend only you can go ice fishing without a license. Open to residents and non-residents! Brittany RoseBrittany Rose