Cancel Maine Now: The State's Favorite Easter Candy is a DisgraceCancel Maine Now: The State's Favorite Easter Candy is a DisgracePeeps shouldn't even be legal to eat in Maine. Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
Popular Candy Sold in New Hampshire, Maine May Cause CancerPopular Candy Sold in New Hampshire, Maine May Cause CancerAdvocacy group Consumer Reports claims that some popular Easter-themed candy sold throughout Maine and New Hampshire could cause cancer.JoeyJoey
It's Official: New Hampshire Hates PeepsIt's Official: New Hampshire Hates PeepsThe Easter Bunny has come and gone, leaving a trail of peanut butter eggs, jelly beans...and yes, Peeps in his trail.Bill FoxBill Fox
Peeps: Love Them Or Hate Them? Take The PollPeeps: Love Them Or Hate Them? Take The PollEaster is finally here. Who doesn't love a basket full of candy?Bill FoxBill Fox
How Can You Tell It’s Officially Fall In New Hampshire?How Can You Tell It’s Officially Fall In New Hampshire?Well, I guess it's officially fall now that fall flavored Peeps are in the stores! Bill FoxBill Fox
The Next Special Edition Oreo Tastes Like Money!The Next Special Edition Oreo Tastes Like Money!Am I the only one that thinks Oreo just needs to cool their wafers for a minute?Bill FoxBill Fox
The Peeps OlympicsThe Peeps OlympicsDon't just throw those Peeps away on Monday. Host an Office Peeps Olympics!RoyRoy
Dover Public Library to Host a ‘Peep Show’ in AprilDover Public Library to Host a ‘Peep Show’ in AprilEver wanted to see a peep show? Or even show off your wares at one? The Dover Public Library has your opportunity to make that dream a reality.RoyRoy
Pumpkin Peeps!Pumpkin Peeps!You know summer is winding down when all things pumpkin spice make their way into the stores. Now comes word that Peeps are getting in on the P-Spice game. Yeah, I just called it p-spice.RoyRoy
How Much Will You Spend This Easter?How Much Will You Spend This Easter?Chocolate bunnies, Peeps, new spring clothes and of course, the Easter ham. It all adds up to a nice chunk of change right out of our wallets.Karen KileyKaren Kiley