Check out photos of cars on Elm Street in the '40s, a glimpse at what the site of the Verizon Wireless Arena looked like in the '50s, and a street view of the Queen City in the 80s (both the 1880s and 1980s). Remember the Salty Dog Tavern? There's a quick look at that too. Its a fascinating clip that Manchurians past and present will want to see!
The narrator's voice, the grainy black and white footage, the dated phrases-- everything about this documentary from the 1950's is a joy to watch. Not only that, but seeing what New Hampshire was like over half a century ago is pretty great too.
The retro feels are strong with this one as it has a little bit of everything-- not so much the timeless classics, but commercials that are oh so very much of their era. You know what you don't see in those Best Commercials Ever shows? Ads for the Ford Tempo, Zayres and that disturbing public service announcement where a little girl is yelled at.
If you ever ordered a big guy raked through the garden with sneakers, snotties and a brown cow in college, then you were a UNH student who frequented Karl's.
I think what I love most about this is how it is like the real life version of the documentaries that Loony Tunes lampooned in their cartoons. Stylistically, this is like a 1950's anti-hooligan campaign or something. Paired with some retro-cool shots of Portsmouth, Rye, Hampton Falls and more and you've got yourself some fun viewing.
From Mork to Mario and more, you'll want to start packing a cold lunch just so you can rock one of these too cool for school retro lunch boxes! Kids and their soft packs these days, they've got nothing on these old school classics. These were all found on NH Craigslist, although some do happen to be from Vermont and Mass as well. These are the ultimate back to school gifts for your kid-- or if the
When I was in Portsmouth yesterday, I saw a ten year old with an Atari shirt on. Y'know, the game system that peaked a quarter of a century before he was born? I love it.