The traffic jams. The sheer variety of licence plates. The accents. For July and August, New England is a complete melting pot you would expect with any world destination.
While it may be fun to share the video of a family of bears roaming a residential area on social media, it's something completely different to encounter rabid animals while on a family hike. Certainly not a shareable moment.
Over the last eight months, most of the headlines concerning Mt. Washington centered around winds, avalanches, and bitter cold. With warmer weather, a familiar sight has returned.
Spring has finally broken for more than a day at a time, and families from all over descended upon Sunflower Farm in Cumberland in order to hang out with...goats.
It's a new year, you want to try new things. Running with the bulls looks great on TV, but the potential hospital bill isn't for you. Hiking with goats might be a little more your speed.
First off, the insanity level is toned down a few notches. Plu...
Vacation. The word gets me excited. I immediately think about exotic far away beaches in Mexico or the Caribbean. But this year I decided to do my very first "staycaytion."