After Snub, Support Swells For Curt Shilling’s Hall of Fame Chances
In his eighth time on the ballot, the Sox great was again shutout of Cooperstown.
Yesterday, a new class to the National Baseball Hall of Fame was announced. Larry Walker became only the second Canadian player elected to the Hall, while Derek Jeter was a single vote away from a unanimous selection, proving that there's always that one guy...
One person, who fell just shy of the necessary 75 percent needed to get elected was Curt Schilling. The star pitcher, who was a six-time All Star, World Series MVP, and recorded 3,116 strikeouts came in at a new high of 70%. This was a ten point leap over last season. Immediately, Twitter started to make the case for the man who notoriously pitched through injury on the way to help the Red Sox eventually break the World Series curse in 2004.
The above lists some fierce company. Supporters believe the reason Curt has not already been elected is due to his controversial opinions. Often cited is the Character Clause, and how one’s non-baseball life should impact one’s Hall of Fame candidacy, according to NBC 10 Boston.
For his part yesterday, Schilling heaped praise on the two players elected.
While acknowledging his supporters.
Maybe, the goodwill shown yesterday will translate into an election in 2021. Curt will be on the ballot until 2023.