All the Details on Rochester New Hampshire’s Cool Halloween Celebration are Here
What’s going on with Halloween Celebrations in Rochester
Hey, all you trick-or-treaters, get those costumes ready, it’s time for all you ghosts, goblins, and ghouls to celebrate Halloween. Rochester does Halloween right. To start off the festivities, according to the “You KNOW you’re from Rochester, NH if you…” Facebook page on October 28th from 4 to 6 pm there will be a trunk-or-treat celebration at First City Cars. Both the 4 Flagg Road, Gonic, and 16 Milton Road in Rochester. This is a FREE event and they are even holding a costume contest.
Main Street and Downtown
Trick-or-treat is going down on October 29 from 4 to 6 pm. Make sure you check out Jetpack Comics and the other downtown businesses that are ready to hand out treats to the kids. If you just can’t get enough of Halloween celebrations in the Lilac City you can look forward to Trick-or-treat at the Ridge Shopping Center on October 29 from 4 to 7 pm. If you plan it out correctly you can hit both events that day.
The Grand Finale
And to top off all those special celebrations, you can look forward to ACTUAL trick-or-treating from door to door on Saturday, October 30 from 4 to 7 pm. I’m so happy the kids are getting back to normal this Halloween. Don’t forget the usual safety precautions. It gets dark quickly so it’s always a good idea for parents to be escorting their kids with reflective gear, headlamps and flashlights. Remember, a costume mask does not take the place of a cloth mask. Bring along some hand sanitizer and make sure you have some fun this year!
and since we are on the subject of Halloween and masks etc. Check this out...