Beware of Bears in Durham, New Hampshire
Officials in the town of Durham have shared two photos that will make you double-check there are no food sources for bears outside your home.
The photos from Durham resident Cowan Stark were shared on Facebook this Sunday.
Longmarsh Road, which is referred to in the post, runs from Route 108 to a preserve and Sweet Trail. That runs into Colby Marsh and Dame Forest, according to a map.
On Monday afternoon, Town Administrator Todd Selig said this is not the first time this month wildlife has been reported in the town most known for being the home of the Univesity of New Hampshire.
Last week, residents sent in photos of what appeared to be a bobcat.
"There's certainly wildlife out there," Selig said.
Selig said residents should not be worried but should be smart about not leaving out food items that could be attractive to wild animals. He is not aware of any issues with bears causing damage in Durham.
Officials at New Hampshire Fish and Game have a number of answers to frequently asked questions about bears posted online.
According to them, bird feeders should not be put back up until Dec. 1 because bears typically enter their dens between mid-October and late November and emerge from hibernation in late March or early April.
To a question about whether or not black bears are dangerous, officials wrote:
"Black bears are capable of killing people, but it is an extremely rare occurrence. The last time someone was killed by a black bear in New Hampshire was 1784. Black bears, like all wild animals, should be treated as unpredictable animals. Campground or "panhandler" bears may nip or cuff people that tease with food or crowd around them. In the woods, black bears usually retreat before people are aware of them; normal trail noise should alert bears to your presence."
If you encounter a bear:
-Keep your distance.
-Make it aware of your presence by clapping, talking, singing or making other sounds.
-Maintain eye contact with the bear. Speak in a soft, calm voice and slowly back away from the bear.
-Do not run, avert your eyes or turn your back to the bear.
Officials at Fish and Game say bears can outrun, out-swim and out-climb people so if you are attacked by a black bear, you should fight back rather than "play dead."
Keep reading... At least it's bears and not bigfoot.
Here Are the 14 Times Bigfoot Has Been Reported in Maine
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