Is Jail Time For School Bus Stop Sign Violations in NH’s Future?
More than 1,300 people were killed in school transportation-related accidents from '06 -'15, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
The penalty for ignoring red lights or a school bus stop sign could be getting pretty severe. According to WMUR ABC 9, a petition on the White House web site is looking at disobeying the red lights and stop signs on a school bus a federal crime. Even for a first offense, it could be punishable with jail time and a $5,000 fine.
The petition is currently at While it is seeking 100,000 signatures, it currently needs help. As of Sunday, the petition had under 2,0000 signatures.
In part, it states "We call upon our President and Congress to act by signing legislation that will keep our children safe by instituting severe penalties on ppl who choose to violate the red lights on a bus such as 30 days in jail, 90 day dl suspension, 12 points on license and a mandatory minimum fine of $5000.00 for the first offense."