True Crime Podcasts

Without a doubt, one of the most popular genres of podcasts are true crime podcasts. And while Edison Research will tell you that it's only the #4 most popular podcast genre of 2024, other than a celebrity-hosted podcast (like a Joe Rogan Experience, for example), ask a friend what they're listening to and it's almost guaranteed to be some kind of true crime podcast.

And whether you're listening to what can be considered the OG true crime podcast, Serial, Up and Vanished, Crime Junkie, or even the New England-based true crime podcast hosted by Mainer Kylie Low, Dark Downeast, there is one topic that routinely pops up.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash / Canva
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash / Canva

Filing Missing Persons Reports

Multiple times in various episodes of any true crime podcast you listen to, one of the most frequently repeated lines tends to be about filing missing persons reports, and how according to police, there is a certain window to wait before one can be filed.

Generally, it's between 24 and 48 hours, at least, according to what the podcast host will tell you based on what the content of the story is they're telling in the episode.

And it turns out, that's some bogus information.

Missing Persons Waiting Period

According to Article 16, Section 3 of the Bethlehem, New Hampshire, Police Department's Missing Persons Policy:

There is no required waiting period for reporting a missing person. A person may be declared 'missing' when his or her whereabouts are unknown and unexplainable for a period of time that is regarded by knowledgeable persons as highly unusual or suspicious in consideration of the subject's behavior patterns, plans, or routines.

There is also no mention of a waiting period on both the Maine State Police and New Hampshire State Police official websites, respectively. Which means, if you're ever in a situation where someone in your life goes missing -- DO NOT WAIT TO REPORT IT.

Here's the Full List of Missing Persons Cases in Maine

There are 34 people currently listed as missing here in Maine by the state police as of July 2022. If you recognize or have any information on the people listed here, please contact the police.

Gallery Credit: Sean McKenna

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