It's something that we all have to deal with when we first either buy a brand new vehicle and need a new state license plate, or if we up and move to a brand new state.

Driving with a temporary license plate.

Temporary License Plates

The interesting thing with temporary license plates is, for the most part, they're just random pieces of cardboard with a handful of numbers on them and some black Sharpie scribbles made on them. But there's one thing that holds true about them, and it's in the name.

They're temporary. Legal, but temporary. Placeholders until your finalized, metal license plate can be printed and sent to you.

David Hoffman via YouTube
David Hoffman via YouTube

And while some people think that just because a temporary plate is simply a piece of cardboard with numbers on it, they can just self-make one...

Reddit via MyreveriE
Reddit via MyreveriE

...(not legal, by the way), it has to be issued by the DMV as well as not modified at all.

Which is why social media has been freaking out over this one particular temporary plate seen in Manchester, New Hampshire.

In a post to the What's going on Manchester NH? Community News and Alerts page on Facebook, a picture of a temporary license plate is up for debate after it looks like the year of expiration has been modified.

By 20 years.

Reddit via MyreveriE / David Hoffman via YouTube
Reddit via MyreveriE / David Hoffman via YouTube

In the picture highlighted in the post, it looks as though the plate was modified from the expiration year of 2005, to 2025, which has sent the comments section of the post into an absolute tail spin.

'Everyone gunna be mad they didn’t think of it first'

'It’s f***** 19 years old IM DEADDD'

'That looks legit maybe sloppy writing but is good I have a vanity plate too and been waiting 5 months already for it and my paper plate says 2025 too'

'The registry made a mistake they did on mine too'

'Just not registering anymore.'

'Does anyone here think a paper plate would last from 2005? Seriously? You would have had to put it in a folder and leave it there. It’s not from 2005.'

'Those plates don't stay in good condition for 20 days, let alone almost 20 years. I promise it's not from 2005.'

'Hey hey now if the cops didn’t care neither should you buddy'

So, what do you think? Is that temp plate legit, or has it somehow lasted for 20 years with a horrible edit?

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Gallery Credit: Megan

35 Maine Restaurants That are Worth a Long Drive to Get to

Thanks to our great listeners we were able to compile a list of many of Maine's great restaurants, cafes, pubs and bakeries that are worth a long drive to get to.

These great spots can be found across the state and waiting for you to give them a try.

How many have you been to?

Gallery Credit: Chris Sedenka

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