Fall is a perfect season to go out an explore all the wonderful things about Maine. This includes the countless hiking and walking trails strewn across the state. There's nothing like a nice stroll through foliage to really set you in the right mood for the season.

If you're looking for a fun walk in Southern Maine, then I highly suggest a trip down to York. The town has a beautiful walking path that's highlighted by the York River, beautiful houses, and a very famous bridge that you may have never heard of.

Now, when thinking of the most iconic bridges in Maine, a few come to mind.

There's the massive Penobscot Narrows Bridge in Prospect, the Piscataqua River Bridge on the border of Maine and New Hampshire, and the countless covered bridges that span across the state. These are all great choices, but this tiny one in York might take the cake for being the state's most iconic. That would be the one and only Wiggly Bridge.

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Getty Images

The Wiggly Bridge is a part of a walkway off State Route 103 to Steedman Woods Nature Preserve. This local favorite is technically a suspension bridge and measures just 75 feet long. According to many sources, including Atlas Obscura, it's believed to be the smallest suspension bridge in the entire world. That's quite a record to hold.

Originally built in the 1930s, the Wiggly Bridge connects the York River and the Barrell Mill Pond. In fact, it's on the same land that many original settlers used as a byway from farming and trading purposes.

TSM, Getty Images
TSM, Getty Images

You would never guess this, but the Wiggly Bridge is actually very wiggly. The bridge has plenty of give and moves quite a lot when walking on it. In fact, according to Atlas Obscura, the bridge was named "Wiggly" by some girl scouts, who were commenting on how much the bridge moves while walking on it.

It has become quite the tourist destination, even though it's a bit off the beaten path. However, it's certainly still easy to get to, especially if staying near the beach or further up the coast.

While gigantic bridges typically get all the attention, it's great to see this little guy receiving the love. Great things come in small packages, including this cool little bridge that's totally worth the trip to experience.

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