It’s a sign of the times.  The Last Reformation, a religious organization, has told NH officials that at their gathering of 200 to 500 people, no social distancing, no mask, no COVID precautions will occur, according to

Wow, just wow.

The Last Reformation will hold their event from Friday to August 23, after which they will go out and knock on doors to spread the word of their gospel, the Boston Herald reported. New Hampshire officials have issued a warning to residents of both New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

The Town of Ipswich has issued a special warning to local businesses and residents of Southern New Hampshire and North Central Massachusetts to be ready for this.

I suppose when Gov. Sununu issued his emergency mask order last week and mentioned gatherings and events this one was on his mind.

The Mayor of Leominster, Dean Mazzarella tells the “I have nothing against religious groups, but it’s frightening to think people wouldn’t be following the rules. It’s scary.”

New Hampshire has done so much to keep our infection rate down I really hope this group doesn’t increase the spread.

The Town of Ipswich issued a statement to residents and businesses to “take extra precautions to protect themselves from COVID-19 exposure while this group is traveling throughout the area communities to proselytize.”

I guess it will be easy to identify them because they won’t be wearing masks, but I am thankful that I live in an apartment and they won’t be knocking on my door.  I just don’t get it, wear a mask, people.  It protects others and is a sign of respect.


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