Back in October of 1993, actor Tom Hanks dressed in character as Forrest Gump ran out onto the walk way to the base of Marshall Point Lighthouse to finish his three year cross country run, and the rest is movie history.

You can do the same without running across the country, if you want to.

One road trip that anyone would enjoy would be to visit the Marshall Point Lighthouse and Museum at the end of the St. George Peninsula in Port Clyde.  The setting epitomizes Maine, with it's rocky shoreline and lobster boats off in the water the Marshall Point Lighthouse Station exemplifies Maine's heritage.

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The granite and brick structure was built back in 1857 and was manned for many years until it's light was automated in 1971. In the main building where there once was a lighthouse keeper's kitchen, there is now a museum that depicts the history of the fishing village in which the lighthouse sits in, and documentation is also displayed that proves the filming of that part of the Forrest Grump movie, if anyone really needed any further proof that it indeed did take place.

The keeper's house sat vacant for years and then in the '80s when area residents feared that someone would turn this beautiful place into a hotel they began to do things like hold bake sales and apply for grants to obtain the funds to get the place refurbished.  They pulled it off and the Marshall Point Lighthouse and Museum officially opened in 1990.

The grounds to the Marshall Point Lighthouse are open from sunrise to sunset and admission is free. Visit the website for more information and make sure to see their live webcam. Thousands of people visit the Lighthouse each and every year, but of course it was that one very famous visitor back in 1993 that really put the place on the map.

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