10 Ways to Avoid Getting Stung by a Bee
Most of us have been stung by a bee/wasp once or twice over the course of our lifetimes. Following are some tips to help you avoid the pain of that sting.
#10 - Avoid wearing perfume or cologne
The fragrance may attract nectar-seeking bees and wasps from a distance.
#9 - Avoid wearing floral prints or brightly colored clothing
Basically, don't look like a flower.
#8 - Be aware of the food you're eating outdoors
Sugary foods and drinks will attract bees and wasps.
#7 - Always use footwear
If you're barefoot and step on or near a bee, it's going to try to protect itself and sting you.
#6 - No loose fitting clothes
Bees and wasps might just find their way up your pant leg or into your shirt if you give them an easy opening. Opt for clothing with tighter cuffs, and keep baggy shirts tucked in.
#5 - Don't move
Stay calm. The bee will realize you're not a flower and fly away.
#4 - Close vehicle doors and windows
Bees and wasps have an uncanny knack for getting themselves trapped in cars, where they will buzz around in a panic trying to find a way out.
#3 - Clean your garbage cans
Don't let food residue build up on your garbage cans. Rinse them well and always put tight-fitting lids on them to keep wasps away from your garbage.
#2 - Don't stop to smell the flowers
The chances of being stung while admiring the flowers are small, but if you're really worried about bee stings, don't hang out where the bees are most numerous.
#1 - Don't be a hero
Call the professionals. Beekeepers or pest control experts can remove wasp or hornet nests or bee swarms safely, without putting you at risk for stings.
Get more information on how to stay 'sting free.'