Are Portsmouth Bike Lanes Safe and More Appealing?
Looks like that data is inconclusive or the best, confusing.
Seacoastonline is reporting on the installation of new bollards installed along Middle Street. The new bollards are flex-post style and shorter than the bollards installed in 2018.
Data indicates that the bollards have not led to increased bike traffic, according to the news site, and the intent of the installation of the bollards and the creation of the bike lane was to increase bike traffic along Route 1.
The city reports, according to, The goal of this project, implemented in the fall of 2018, was to make travel along a critical section of Route 1. The project was funded by NHDOT Safe Routes to School Grant.
The reviews for the project are mixed among cyclists. Some say they feel safer, while others complain that parked cars, trash, and recycling bins are frequent obstructions to the bike lane.
The city did a three-day study in May and is not citing “significant change” in cycling traffic, according to seacoastonline. The study was only conducted for three days and the project is still new so more data may be needed to test the effectiveness of the bike lanes to increase safety and up ridership. Time will tell.