It makes me so sad to hear that people would steal packages from each other (which are most likely Christmas gifts). Jennifer Archambeault Garrett took to the (un)official City of Portsmouth Facebook page to share that so far three packages have been stolen from her doorstep this year. One of them  was a $400 watch! I would be LIVID! Jennifer lives on Woodbury Ave in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Folks in the comments are suggesting that Jennifer invest in a ring doorbell so she can monitor who is on her property. That doesn't sound like a bad idea! Someone else commented that if you are ordering stuff on Amazon, there is an option to choose a designated pick up location. Rite-Aid is one of them and they have email and text notifications. Here is my opinion even though no one asked for it. The whole convenience of ordering something on Amazon, or anything online for that matter, is the fact that is delivered to your front door. If you have to get in your car and pick up said item, isn't that kind of defeating the purpose?

I hope Jennifer get's to the bottom of this issue and can prevent it from happening in the future. After the year we've all had this is the last thing we need.

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