Class Ring Lost on Hampton Beach Found Its Way Back to Its Owner
Back in mid July 2020 at Hampton Beach, NH, Cyran Willis lost his ring at low tide. It was dark and there was no chance he was going to find it. But this was no ordinary ring! This was his class ring from a prestigious military school called Norwich University.
It is very meaningful to Cyran and not to mention MASSIVE! He was pretty bummed he lost it.
Fast forward a few months to September 15th, 2020. A guy named Brian Knowlton is doing his thing and metal detecting at Hampton Beach State Park Campground. He came upon a loud sounding target. BEEP BEEP BEEP!
According to Brian, the target was more than a foot down in the wet sand. At first it looked like a thick piece of copper piping. (which I guess it pretty common to find while metal detecting) Upon closer inspection Brian saw it was a gigantic class ring. It was the biggest ring he has ever found in his 45 years of detecting!
The ring had Cyran's name and the name of his school inscribed inside.
Thanks to social media, Brian was able to track down Cyran and let him know he had his ring. Due to Covid restrictions Cyran and Brian had to put off meeting until just a few days ago.
They met up in Hampton Beach and Cyran got his ring back. Look at that smile!
Cyran was beyond thrilled to get his ring back and was appreciative to Brian for finding it. The timing could not be more perfect because Cyran is a Combat Engineer with the National Guard and is being deployed overseas in a couple of weeks. Now he will have his class ring for his deployment. Thank you Cyran for your service and shout out to Brian Knowlton for doing the right thing and returning the ring to it's rightful owner!
Brian shared the full story and more pictures with the Friends of Hampton Beach Facebook group.
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