Crack Down of Vaping Continues in New England
It seemed just a year ago everyone was talking about vaping as the latest, greatest thing. People were swearing by vaping as helping them quit cigarette smoking for good.
Recent news reports have shed light on the dangers of vaping and the unknown side effects of this activity.
7NewsBoston is reporting that a community vaping ban will take effect in the Fair Haven, Vermont, community and will be added to an existing ordinance regarding behaviors allowed in town-owned spaces such as playgrounds.
The State of Massachusetts issued a 4-month temporary vaping ban on the sale of all vaping products till more information is had on the health effects of vaping. If you haven’t picked up the vaping habit by now, don’t look to try it anytime soon.
Crackdowns on vaping are happening everywhere. The State of Massachusetts ban on the sale of vaping products effectively shut down vapes shops that were thriving businesses.
Meanwhile, in Fair Haven, Vermont the vaping ban in town-owned spaces will take effect in early December.
7NewsBoston writes that violators could be fined $50 for the first offense and $100 for the second and recurring offenses. Those under 21 could face sharper penalties because it is illegal for anyone under 21 to possess vaping or tobacco products as of July 1 of this year.
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