Don’t Be Fooled By This Market Basket Imposter Account on Facebook
If you get a friend request from Market Basket on Facebook you might feel excited at first. You might exclaim, "MARKET BASKET WANTS TO BE MY FRIEND ON FACEBOOK? I LOVE THAT PLACE! MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR!" But according to the Union Leader, you should probably think twice before accepting.
The article states that Market Basket is warning their customers that a “newly created and unauthorized Facebook profile” has been sending friend requests left and right. That's right, a fake Market Basket is trying to catfish you. They shared on Facebook that the fraudulent account has been sending friend requests and asking for sensitive information from customers. The post goes on to say that Please be advised that is their only Facebook page and they do not send friend requests to their customers. They will also never request payment information online. Market Basket says the safety and privacy of their customers is of the upmost importance and they are working very hard to address this concern.
In the meantime, check out the real Market Basket Facebook page for an awesome promotion they have happening right now with Smartwater. You can win new fitness equipment or a gift card for your hydration needs!
You must do three things to qualify for this contest: