(Dover, NH) - Tuesday is municipal election day, and every votes counts.

Don Briand photo
Don Briand photo


Dover election officials were busy last week prepping the machines that count ballots cast in the 6 wards across the city.

Voters will head to the polls to elect Mayors, City Councilors and School Board members in New Hampshire cities.

Residents in New Hampshire cities are being asked if Keno games should be allowed in their municipality.  Keno was approved by the legislature as a way to fund full-day kindergarten.

In Maine, a statewide referendum ballot lists 4 questions that, if approved,  would allow slot machines or a casino in York County; enhance access to affordable health care; bond highway, bridge and multimodal facilities and upgrade municipal culverts; and amend the State Constitution regarding state pension funding.

Polls will open as early as 6 Tuesday morning.

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