Former Patriots Player Was Arrested in Concord, NH
Former Patriot's player Greg Spires seems to be dealing with a nasty and ongoing battle with his ex-wife. According to the Concord Monitor, Spires spent the weekend in jail after violating a protective order. Allegedly Spires was ordered to stay far away from his ex-wife after he sent her some threatening text messages. Spires showed up at his daughter's school (Concord High School) during the school day Friday which was a violation of said order.
Greg Spires and his ex-wife decided to part ways almost 15 years ago and things have been ugly ever since. Spires has a history of domestic violence and was accused of assaulting his ex-wife back in 2005 in their Canton, Massachusetts home.
We've seen this happen time and time again. When couples part ways, things can get very contentious when it comes to the division of assets and custody of children. I hope the two can work it out amicably and not let their animosity towards each other affect their young daughter.
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