Happy 100th Birthday To Manchester’s Puritan Backroom!
A NH icon celebrates a century in business!
Puritan Logo NEW
Today marks 100 years for a New Hampshire staple. As a resident of Manchester, I can tell you that I've been here countless times. Happy Birthday to the Puritan Backroom!
The Puritan is a known go-to stop for just about all Presidential candidates over the years. At some point or another each of them have made a stop here.
It's also been the scene of the winning (or losing) parties for numerous political candidates over the years.
But what do most people associate with the Puritan? Three things: chicken fingers, mudslides and ice cream. It's a stop for folks of all ages.
It's also where yours truly rides his Harley to cool off with a cone after a long day's ride back in to my hometown......
Bike Puritan