Is it Me or are Bees Overly Aggressive this Year
I've been lucky. I've never been stung by a bee, hornet or wasp. So I don't know what it feels like.
Recently Brandy was stung by a bee and my poor baby was limping around for about a half hour. Yes, I drove straight to the vet's office because there was a part of me that thought she was going to go into Anaphylactic Shock. By the time I got to the vet's office, Brandy was doing much better. So I apologized for being a nervous Nellie and brought Brandy back home. I wanted to go and kill all the bees for hurting my little angel. But since I've never been stung by a bee, hornet or wasp, I didn't want to chance it!
It just seems like this year, bees have been overly aggressive. Even when I'm walking by the beach, they're buzzing around me. Usually, if I just ignore them or swat at the them, they go away. Not this year, they just keep coming at me. Does anyone know why?
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