With one full month of school under our belt, Maine's been experiencing it's yearly "back-to-school" viral season. However, in these "post-Covid" times we now all live in, what was once a regular occurrence, has now become a bit more of a challenge when it comes to staffing.

Teacher asking her students a question at the elementary school

Where there used to be a hearty back-up pool to choose from when it came to substitute bus-drivers and teachers, there are fewer and fewer of those folks available these days. So when things like a wide-sweeping fall virus starts to make the rounds, it can mean there's no one to fill in if teachers and drivers are out sick.

School bus in Duluth, MN
Nick Cooper - TSM Duluth

That was the case Monday morning, in RSU 13 (Rockland, South Thomaston, Thomaston, Owl's Head, and Cushing) when the notice went out the public that there would be no school due to staff illness.

Superintendent of Schools for RSU 13, John C. McDonald, posted a follow-up message on the RSU's Facebook page at lunchtime.

"Thank you for your patience and understanding for the unexpected closure of our schools this morning. The cold and flu season has had an impact of staffing, and that along with shortages of available staff in our transportation department, has made operations difficult. The rest of the week should proceed as normal and according to schedule, if however, we should need to make adjustments, we do have contingency plans to keep our transportation system running."


Sick woman

McDonald said for community members to keep checking the page and that any updates would be posted there.

The Maine CDC requires all schools to "Report elevated absenteeism or school closure due to illness," and has protocols set up for such situations, to prevent further spread of viruses.

"School administrators with questions about reporting increased absenteeism, precautions to take, or the ways in which to notify parents about cases of flu in the school, should contact Maine CDC’s Clinical Consultation line at 1-800-821-5821 or e-mail: disease.reporting@maine.gov."

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