There used to be a hearty back-up pool to choose from when it came to substitute bus-drivers and teachers, now there are fewer and fewer of those folks available.
A Maine referendum enacted in 2016 requires the state to adjust the minimum wage each year based on the cost of living, which we all know is high, so it only makes sense to boost the pay for Maine's minimum wage workers.
If you missed his critically-acclaimed episode of 'No Reservations' that was shot in Maine, here's a snapshot of everything Bourdain saw, did, and tasted.
Last month, we gave you the "most expensive" now, here are the "least"
Two cities in the Bangor area made the list!
Thinking about relocating somewhere in the Pine Tree State this year? Check this out.
HomeSnacks is a website that gathers recent data from the Census, FBI, OpenStreetMaps, and lots of other sources, then break them down into Top 10 rankings, that can really come
First responders and eye witnesses shared photos and videos on Wednesday of the high tide and storm surge, wreaking havoc along the coastline of Maine.
Maine is the nation's leader in home vacancy rate, and here's how it's affecting your ability to rent or buy a new place in the state's busiest destinations.