Maine: Yes, You Really Can File Your Taxes for Free, in Most Cases
One of everyone’s least favorite days of the year is just about here: tax day. If you’ve filed your taxes and you're lucky enough to get a return or at least break even, you’re golden. For others, this is a dreaded day where they are rushed to get documents together by the deadline, along with getting bad news that they owe money to the IRS and/or the state.
Before I get into the meat and potatoes of how you can file your taxes for free, you may find it relieving to know that you may be granted an extension this year that will allow you some extra time to submit your taxes.
Certain counties affected by the storms that swept through Maine in December and January are being granted an extension. It’s a bit confusing. News Center Maine outlined the details and deadlines for each county here.
So, we've all done it. Loaded all the required info needed into a "free" online tax filing company, only to find out they want some sort of payment at the very end before you submit.
Well, News Center Maine reported that the IRS announced a “Free File”. How it works is they partner with tax preparation software companies. The only stipulation is that the adjusted gross income needs to be $79,000 or less. This is welcomed news to tax payers across the country, especially Mainers who often pay higher than average taxes.
News Center Maine also stated that Free File only guarantees you a free federal tax return. However, the IRS says that some of these options will offer free state preparation as well.
There are currently eight options to choose from. You can read more about this much-needed program for tax payers here, and also find software companies to choose from.
Maine's 16 Counties Ranked By How Much Money People Make
Gallery Credit: Jeff Parsons