If you're a licensed driver in Maine, you should probably know when that blinking stop light appears out of the side of a school bus, that is your cue to stop as kids are entering or exiting.

With school back in session for many this week, drivers should know that whether they are attempting to sneak past that school bus stop sign because they are in a hurry or if they might not just be paying attention, many buses in Maine have gotten tech upgrades over the years with the addition of automated stop arm cameras in attempt to catch drivers that pass stopped buses.

The Maine Legislative Statute states the following:

The operator of a vehicle on a way, in a parking area or on school property, on meeting or overtaking a school bus from either direction when the bus has stopped with its red lights flashing to receive or discharge passengers, shall stop the vehicle before reaching the school bus. The operator may not proceed until the school bus resumes motion or until signaled by the school bus operator to proceed.

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There are a few exceptions, like in the rare case when you're on a divided highway where pedestrians can't cross, but in almost every case, it's the law to stop and ignoring it can cost you some money and a license suspension.

According to the Maine Legistlative Statute, a first-time offender faces a minimum fine of $250. And if you’re caught again within three years, you could be looking at a 30-day license suspension.

According to a 2022 article from News Center Maine, school districts including Gorham, Bangor, Scarborough, Yarmouth, Bar Harbor, Trenton, RSU 34, and Brewer, have installed these cameras on their buses. Even if you don't see a certain town listed here, you should know that more have been installed since.

The idea is pretty obvious, they are hoping that these cameras will make drivers think twice before breaking the rules, helping to keep the roads safer for kids. Schools and parents are hopeful that having cameras around will not only catch those who speed past stopped school buses but also make drivers more cautious in the first place.

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