Maine’s Ultimate Fall Event, Maine Maple Fall Fest, Coming October 9th + 10th
The fall season is finally upon us and it's time to celebrate one of Maine's favorite fall flavors: Maple!
Get all in with this special Maine fall flavor with the second annual Maine Maple Fall Fest on October 9th and 10th from 9 AM to 4 PM where you can tour Maine's sugar houses and try all kinds of maple syrup treats like candies, cotton candy, ice cream, baked treats, and, of course, some straight-up Maine-produced maple syrup.
The festival is being put on by the Maine Maple Producers Association and is a family-friendly fall event that brings Mainers to their local maple producers and try the many ways you can enjoy maple syrup.
Locations participating in the event include:
- Balsam Ridge at 140 Egypt Road in Raymond
- Blais Maple Syrup at 44 Ledgeview Road in Greene
- Dunham Farm at 29 Dunham Road in Greenwood
- Dunn Family Maple at 419 Chicopee Road in Buxton
- Eureka Farms at 220 Shy Road in Palmyra
- Highland Farms Sugar Works at 152 Towles Hill Road in Cornish
- Hilltop Boilers Maple Syrup at 157 Elm Street in Newfield
- Raider's Sugarhouse at 148 Bog Brook Road in China
- Sawyer's Maple Farm at 45 Heald Pond Road in Moose River
- The Farm at Rowe Hill at 231 Rowe Hill Road in Greenwood
- Williams Famly Farm at 46 Airline Road in Clifton
- Wilson Family Maple Syrup at 652 Benton Road in Albion
Each sugar house will have its own special program for the event so be sure to check out the Maine Maple Producers Association webpage for the event to see which locations are close to you and what special things these producers are doing for the event.
Find more information at the Maine Maple Fall Fest web page.
Another fall thing to do is visiting the local apple orchards. Here's a list of Maine apple orchards for you to visit and enjoy another great fall-time activity available here in the state.