Make a Fast Friend
April is National Greyhound Adoption Month. Greyhounds hold a very special place in my heart. When I served in the United States Air Force in San Antonio, TX, I adopted my first greyhound. Wubba Wubba had recently retired from racing in Corpus Christi, TX, and was looking for his forever home. Well he saw this sucker walk through the door and went to work on me like any greyhound would...FAST!
It didn't take long for either of us to fall in love. I tried to resist. I actually left the PetSmart trying to block out those soft, gorgeous eyes, and his beautiful long muzzle. Try as I may...I was no match for his charming and gentle personality. So I rushed back...praying the entire way that someone hadn't snatched up "my dog" before I could get there to claim him for myself.
As the doors opened there was a crowd gathered round. Several other greyhounds had arrived. And for just a minute I couldn't find Wubba Wubba. But then the crowd parted, our eyes locked, and people actually laughed and applauded when I got down on my knees and he jumped in my lap. I'm not sure who adopted who that day. I just know I've never regretted it for a single day.
Over the course of ten years I adopted five greyhounds, and fostered many more. The day I adopted Wubba Wubba (I later renamed him Bogey)...was the start of my relationship with Hill Country Greyhound Rescue & Adoption, and my good friends Ray and Patsy Masey. They've since retired from rescuing greyhounds and finding them forever homes. But their love for greyhounds, like mine, is never ending.
So if you're looking to adopt a great dog, you can't go wrong with a greyhound. They do have some special requirements. So before you race out to adopt one, you should speak with a reputable adoption agency. A quick Google check found a couple in New Hampshire: Greyhound Placement Service of New Hampshire in Dover. And Fast Friends Greyhound Adoption in Swanzey. I can't personally vouch for either, but they're both probably good places to start.
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