I am happy to be able to get my fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers starting on June 16 at the Rochester Community Center at 150 Wakefield Street in Rochester.  New rules and new space. In this time of COVID-19, the market will not have live entertainment or crafters. Market manager Vicky Poland told fosters.com that “While we love the space at the Common, it just was not practical to try and hold the market there.  We think this is going to make a comfortable, safe environment for vendors and customers.”

The Rochester Farmers Market will look very different this year but one thing you can count on is fresh vegetables and fresh food from local farmers.  Getting that fresh food from local farmers really helps out the local community.  Although not required, Market manager Vicky Poland is requesting that buyers wear masks and mask will be made available at the Market.  Buyers are also encouraged to bring their own reusable bags but with the knowledge that vendors will not handle the bags or fill them.  You can make a pre-order online and pick up at the event if you choose.

The Rochester Famer’s Market is trying to create a safe environment for consumers and vendors.  While the crafters will not be in attendance, they will be featured at the market with displays that allow the community to connect with them online.  It is hoped that crafters will be able to display in person later this summer as the state guidelines are expanded.  For now, it’s a relief for the tough time local farmers are experiencing due to the coronavirus.  Many local restaurants that previously purchased from them are shuttered.  The Rochester Farmer’s Market will be open from 3 pm to 6 pm each Tuesday beginning June 16.  The vendors will be able to social distance by setting up their tents in designated parking places according to fosters.com. Come out and support local farmers.



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