The first home Covid-19 tests were a game-changer in the health field.

It allowed people to self-diagnose and take action faster.

Of course, taking action meant staying quarantined so not to spread the very contagious virus.

Another Breakthrough in COVID Testing

Fast forward four years later, and Covid-19 is still an active virus, but couple that with the flu, and RSV, and the illnesses seem even more widespread.

But a few months ago there was a new test introduced.  It went unnoticed on the pharmacy shelves until now.

Why now?  We are in the midst of a particularly hard-hitting flu season, and Covid-19 resurgence.

The new test allows testing for Covid-19, Flu A and Flu B all with one swab.  It's groundbreaking because now you can see which illness you have with the swab of the interior of your nose.

It's the same kind of antigen test we use for Covid-19, but this test checks for all three at once.

The triple test is available everywhere from Walgreens to CVS, to Walmart, Target, and  Amazon.  Prices can vary, but it's generally around $30. says to check the 9 different brands approved for current pricing and reviews.



Flu v. Covid-19 Symptoms

Symptoms of the flu and Covid-19 are similar.  According to, symptoms for both include fever, fatigue, cough, sore throat, headache, runny nose, shortness of breath, body aches and diarrhea or vomiting.  You can have some or all of these symptoms for either.

What sets Covid-19 apart from the flu is the onset.  The flu symptoms occur 1-4 days after exposure, but Covid-19 is about 5 days after exposure for symptoms to occur.



The Covid-19 symptoms, in addition to the above, are loss of smell and/or taste,  red swollen eyes, and possibly skin rashes.

The new test is the best way to confirm what you are feeling.  Either way, these viruses are not to be messed with.

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