Be on the Lookout for a New Hampshire Bear With Its Paw in a Trap
Please keep a lookout for a bear that has its paw caught in a trap.
According to sentinelsource.com, N.H. Fish and Game Department has posted a plea for help on their Facebook page in regard to the injured bear. Fish and Game hopes someone can spot the bear so that they can capture the bear, remove the trap, and let the bear go on his/her way in the wild.
Fish and Game are seeking the public’s help in locating the bear by reporting sightings to their phone line at 271-2461. They also are cautioning people not to lure the bear with food, not to approach the bear and not to leave food out in an attempt to lure the bear.
Also reported, the bear doesn’t seem to be bothered by the trap on its paw. Sightings have occurred all over southern New Hampshire, last spotted in Fitzwilliam.
I headed over to the Fish and Game Facebook page and noticed that a majority of the comments on the post seem to be comments from those for and against foot traps.
Foot traps seem to be a very hot button issue in the area. I just hope someone spots this beautiful animal and he/she gets this annoying trap off its paw.
I hope the bear is not in pain, but it seems the bear is mostly annoyed since it does seem to be traveling long distances. I know nothing about foot traps, but I am pro bear.
Let’s help find this bear. I keep looking out my apartment window but I doubt I will spot the bear on the city streets of Rochester and if I spot the bear on one of my local hikes, don’t worry, you will hear the screams.
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