NH Red Cross Honors “Everyday Heroes”
(Concord, NH) - The NH Chapter of the American Red Cross has presented its 2018 "Everday Heroes" awards to a number of deserving Granite Staters.
Swansey Police Lieutenant Steven Tenney was cited after he found he was a match for a baby girl in need of a liver transplant. He returned to duty after a lengthy surgery and recovery process.
State Police Trooper Christopher Prenaveau was at an accident scene last year when another vehicle slid on ice towards him and the accident victim. He pushed the man away, saving him from injury, as the car struck Prenaveau.
Molly Dolan, Thomas Kline, Angela Curtis and Arian Deihim performed live-saving CPR on a member of the YMCA in Keene who had collapsed on the track, saving the individuals life.
Bedford School Resource Officer Danielle Nightingale was off duty and with her family on Halloween night when she came upon an unresponsive person. She administered CRP on the person until medical help arrived.
Business owner and community leader Stephen Singer was honored for his many charitable works in Manchester and beyond.
The American Red Cross established the Everyday Heroes award to recognize those who respond in time of need with selfless acts of courage and compassion.
The 2018 awards were presented Wednesday in Concord.
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