No High School Drama! An Adult Prom is Taking Place in Sanford, Maine
Maybe you didn't attend your high school prom. Maybe you did and had a bad experience. Whatever the case may be, you don't want to miss out on the 'Hicks and Chicks Adult Prom' taking place in Sanford, Maine!
It sounds like it's going to be a night of dancing, fun and hanging out with your friends without any HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA! What could be better?
On the eventbrite page, it says you can dress from FANCY to FLANNEL and everything in between.
There will be a cash bar, a band, and dance floor for you to get your groove on. They are also providing light refreshments, photo booth and late night munchies!
The events is organized by the Sanford Junior High School PTA and you can buy your tickets in person at Troiano & Hanselmann located at 1068 Main Street in Sanford. Monday-Friday, 9:00am-6:00pm. Checks and cash accepted.
The Adult Prom takes place Friday, May 3rd, 7pm-11pm at the Nasson Community Center in Sanford, Maine. This is a 21+ event and you'll of course need to bring your ID to purchase any alcoholic beverages.