Our WOKQ Listeners Take The Cutest Pet Selfies
I don't know about you but I need a break from all of the political hullabaloo that has been clogging up my newsfeed for the past few months. I need a distraction in the form of CUTENESS.
I declared today #PetSelfie day on our WOKQ Facebook page and man, did our listeners deliver. I want to take each of these furballs home with me and love them all the days of my life. But I won't because that would be stealing.
Here are some of my favorite #PetSelfies of the day!
Khrissy and her pug Romeo who is a selfie king according to Khrissy. I'm not surprised, he's so photogenic!
Just some light reading..
There is something poetic about a black and white pet selfie. Thanks for this one, David!
Just having a solid floor hang with Ollie the Shichon.
Who said pet selfies are only for cats and dogs?
Show me those back canines!
This fuzzy lovey goes by the name of Bruin
I don't know about you but my spirits are raised. Let's keep this party going! Post your #PetSelfie in the comments section. :)
And as promised here is a selfie with my special turtle dove, Schlomo.
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