Real-World Restaurant Experience at Spaulding High in Rochester, NH
Real-world experience can be found at the R. W. Creteau Technology Center at Spaulding High School in Rochester, New Hampshire. reports that teacher Victoria Garay has 26 students enrolled in restaurant management programs.
The kids will learn everything about running a real restaurant because they are really running a restaurant.
The students will do all the food ordering, cooking, serving, busing, dishwashing creating menus, and weekly specials, according to News Center Maine, and the students work in three-week rotations in different positions at the restaurant “OuR House Café.”
According to, every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm the public can stop by for a reasonably priced lunch and know that they are helping future restaurateurs.
These kids are getting real-world experience and finding out early if this is where their passion lies. It’s a fantastic way for the high schoolers to get real work experience.
They just need help getting the word out so tell your friends that there is a new hot lunch spot at the OuR House Café!