Server at Maine Restaurant Thanks $588 Tipper in Heartfelt Open Letter
Noah believes in karma, and karma loves Noah.
Recently Noah received a $588.87 tip while waiting on a table at the famous Taste of Maine restaurant. That's a game-changer for someone paying for school and rent and life. He could not let this generosity go without trying to get his thank you to the eyes of the giver!
He asked if we would share his note. Yup. We'd be honored.
I wanted....I needed to reach out to "Christine's" last night, and tell her and her family, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I'm sorry for the late "thank you", but I had to work another double today and I needed to give the gesture of gratitude, the appropriate thank you it deserves. I've been in this game for awhile, and I swear on the lines that my compression socks give me, I've never received such a token of gratitude, in my life. So again, THANK YOU for the most memorable tip and life lesson anyone could ever hope for.
Every night, when I drive home, I call my queen, and we talk about our day, as it helps break up my fifty minute drive home. I told her about the day I had, and she honestly couldn't believe it. I still had a hard time believing it. I told Ashley, my gf, I wanted to do the best I could to take care of rent and the first installment of my semester's tuition by the end of this week. Well, somebody was listening, because with the help from a couple of complete strangers, the impossible mission suddenly became possible. (Sorry Ethan Hunt, Christine has got this one).
I'm a huge karma person, and I do believe its out there, and it will find you when you least expect it. I don't like telling the world of all the good deeds, that i do, because I feel like if you have to tell people of your good deeds, you're doing it for the wrong reason. But, this simple good deed i'm about to tell you, is to stress the point.
I had this past Friday off, and when I was doing my errands, I drove by this van at CVS, with the hood open....
......"I" think, we're put on this Earth for a reason. To contribute to mankind and help each other out, whoever...whenever. What's your imprint to life? Well guess what? Half the time, it's free! It doesn't cost a dime to be be polite, use manners and help one another. I try to follow, these three simple words. TEACH, SHARE, & LOVE. That's how you do it. That's how you can contribute!
The gentleman with the van didn't speak a lick of English, and by the way he was standing there, holding a tangled ball of jumper cables, it didn't take me long to realize, that he probably just needed a jump. So, without words, I got out and showed him, this is what you got to do. When we hooked it up, the van started right up, The smile on his face was all the thanks I needed, to know that he was grateful. I didn't solve world hunger, but I did get to TEACH a stranger how to jump start a car, I did SHARE some of my valuable time with him that day, and I just simply LOVE everyone in this world, regardless of any bias.
Does this simple good deed, merit the gratuity that "Christine" bestowed on me? !#@ NO!!! What she did was above and beyond my wildest server dreams! But, my good deed, proved to my kids, my friends and family that karma is no joke.
The tip that I received goes beyond its monetary value, "Christine", TAUGHT me there's still good in this world. She SHARED with me enough to where i'm not stressing about "how am I going to go back to school and take care of all my adult responsibilities". And the LOVE that was felt from one stranger to another, there are no words to describe the feeling of this "aha moment." I promise myself to keep on doing the best I can, and continue to teach by doing. Practice what you Preach!
We're a family at the Taste of Maine. We take care of each other emotionally, financially and literally. I would do anything for my friends here at the Taste, and I'm very lucky to be a part of such a crew. By the way Candy Crooker-Gregory, I'll need tomorrow off;) JK
When I picked up my receipt, I noticed there was a business card left on the table. I'm sure glad she left one. I know this wasn't her intent, but I want you, the reader, to share this message and spread the word about Christine's generosity.
Check them out on: Facebook-"Christine's Crossing",
Instagram @christinescrossing or find them at
www.christinesrye.com.Show her some love and support. And if you still haven't quenched that need for a delicious Lobster roll, come on down to the Taste or Maine, and see why we placed #1 in the "2021 DOWN EAST LOBSTER ROLL COMPETITION!"
p.s if you want a piece of the action, we're hiring!!! Stop on by and check us out! Thanks again everyone! We'll see you soon, and try to pay it forward once in awhile, but be careful..it might feel really good:)
Now...what is this Christine's Crossing? It's a home, clothing, art, accessories, children's and gifts cool store. And how do I know it's cool having never been there? Because of that thoughtful life-changing tip. If you are ever in Rye, New Hampshire...stop by!
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