Did You Know That Stun Guns Are Legal in New Hampshire?
Live Free or Die Motto is Perfect for New Hampshire
The Live Free or Die Motto is the perfect motto for the granite state. The license to carry weapons laws are some of the most open in the country. The reason this is on my mind is that my grandson is just old enough to ride in a jogging stroller so my daughter, who lives in New Jersey, has been running with him.
I am a dad and like any dad, I worry. So, I told my wife I wanted to get my daughter a stun gun to protect herself on her runs for Christmas.
The suggestion did not go over very well.
Stun Guns Legal in New Hampshire
My wife’s first objection was that stun guns are not legal in New Jersey. Shocker.
They are legal in New Hampshire, so this piqued my interest, and I thought I should get one for my hikes, in case I run into a bear.
She thinks this is not a good strategy.
If you recall, I bought bear spray a few years ago and she made me return it. Turns out my daughter can’t carry bear spray in New Jersey either, well, legally.
My wife’s second objection is that my daughter lives in a suburban neighborhood and she has a scream that you can hear from New Jersey to New Hampshire. She is also a good fighter.
Even though my daughter Chelsea is 4’ 11” she can, and always has, had her brothers under control in a flash, even my oldest who is 6’2”. She can kick butt.
I guess I will have to settle on getting her some nice perfume and bubble bath for Christmas.
Shocking Weapons you CAN have in New Hampshire
I decided to look up what weapons we can have in New Hampshire and the list is long. A license to open carry a gun is easy to get. You must prove you have “good reason to fear injury,” according to the state statute but hey, there are a lot of bears in New Hampshire so no-brainer there.
You can also have pepper spray, a stun gun, and even a cane that can function as a gun or sword. That one blew me away. Are they common?
I now will second guess every cane-wielding person I see in Walmart. Wow. I think I am trading in my pocketknife for something a bit bigger especially for my early morning walks.
You never know, better safe than sorry.
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