Striking Stop & Shop Workers See No End In Sight
The strike, now in it's sixth day is affecting approximately 31,000 workers in Southern New England.
It has been nearly a week since 31,000 Stop & Shop employees in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island began to picket. Core issues include better wages, healthcare, and pensions. The walkout started last Thursday, and encompassed over 200 stores. Most locations remain open, some with reduced services. Mark McGowan, president of the company's New England division told NECN "First, we want you to know, Stop & Shop recognizes the valuable role our associates play in creating a great experience for you." "They are a part of your lives, a part of our community, and key to our success. That's why it is so important to us to provide a fair contract to our employees who are members of the UFCW unions currently on strike."
The United Food & Commercial Workers union said in an emailed statement. "While Stop & Shop continues to propose drastically cutting worker benefits, shareholders voted on April 10 to give themselves an 11.1 percent raise in dividends over the last year."
There doesn't appear to be a resolution is sight. According to NECN, employee Kristen Johnson told NBC10 Boston "We're all willing to stand here as long as it takes until we get a fair deal."
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