The Average Temperature in Maine Homes is Kind of RidiculousThe Average Temperature in Maine Homes is Kind of RidiculousPeople throughout Maine share the temperature inside their homes during the winter, and the averages are kind of ridiculous.JoeyJoey
Does Turning Your Thermostat Down When Not Home Save Money?Does Turning Your Thermostat Down When Not Home Save Money?There's great debate among New Englanders about just how legitimate one method of trying to save money on heat is.Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
8 Easy Ways Mainers Can Save Money on Their Heating Bills8 Easy Ways Mainers Can Save Money on Their Heating BillsEnergy costs are high right now, and lots of people are looking for ways to save on their energy bills. There are several things that can be done to help your monthly bill stay within a more affordable range. RobRob